Rare Beaked Whale Filmed For The First Time Ever

Beaked Whales are an elusive species of the ocean. These Beaked Whales are rarely seen by people except when its carcass is washed up ashore or one of the mammals has gotten stranded. It is believed that there are only a handful that have ever been seen alive. The species was first described in 1913 by Frederick William True.

Now for the first time the species has been caught on camera.

The Elusive Beaked Whales

Natacha Aguilar de Soto, a marine biologist, who has been studying the Beaked Whales for the last 15 years, said that there has always been a mystery surrounding this species. Even though it is huge like elephants, it is hard to find these mammals.

Believed to be staying in Macaronesia, a region in the North Atlantic Ocean, these whales have been spotted live only seven times by people.

Structure Of The Whales

These Beaked Whales are said to be originating from the family of 22 cetacean species. The rare species of whales have dolphin-type noses and missile-like bodies. The body is streamlined and has some space on it like pockets where the mammal can tuck in its fins, making its shape more hydrodynamic.

These Beaked Whales have the ability to dive deep under the surface of water in oceans and can sustain themselves there for hours at a stretch on a single breath. It is usually observed by scientists and marine biologists that the whale hangs out in diminutive groups and is also thought to be a squid eater.

Habitat Of The Whales

Mysterious whales can be found in the temperate or warm waters of North Atlantic in Northern Hemisphere per studies. While a few reports of stranding also suggests that the whales can be expected to be found in the Southern Hemisphere, extending to waters of Mozambique, Australia and Tasman Sea and more.

The Video

In 2013, a colleague of de Soto, provided her with a 46-second long video clip. The video was captured by some science students on their educational trip to the Azores. To her joy, the video was of none other than, the Beaked Whales.

The video shows the Whales in their natural environment, lazily swimming in the blue ocean waters. When the video is zoomed, one can see three oblong shapes with pointed pale faces barely aware of human presence.

Overwhelmed with emotions, she found it hard to believe that she was actually watching the videos of Beaked Whales.

"My god, these are True's beaked whales," said de Soto.
The first video of Beaked Whales was taken in the wild and it is the same video that got released on March 7 along with a detailed study of how to demystify the enigmatic mammals.

The study has been published in journal Peer J under the name True's beaked whale (Mesoplodon mirus) in Macaronesia.

Watch the first rare video of the Beaked Whale below.


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