Alcohol: Its Dangers Greater Than Its Benefit

The high consumption rate of alcohol across the world is alarming. People tend to ignore the numerous permanent dangers of alcohol whilst enjoying its only temporary benefit - being a widely used depressant and psychoactive drug (a chemical substance, used recreationally, which changes brain function and results in alternations in perception, mood or consciousness).

Here are some of the dangers of taking alcohol:

1. Alcoholic Cardiomyopathy [Heart]: This is a disease in which the long-term abuse of alcohol leads to heart failure. Due to the direct toxic effects of alcohol on heart muscles, the heart is unable to pump blood efficiently.

2. Chronic Gastritis [Stomach]: This is the chronic inflammation of the gastric mucosa (mucous membrane layer of the stomach which contains the glands and gastric pits).

3. Liver damage: One form of liver disease resulting from high alcohol intake is Cirrhosis, where fibres grow in the liver. Another disease resulting from alcohol damage is hepatitis.

4. Brain damage: excessive alcohol drinking causes loss of memory and confusion. The alcohol in the body fluid draws water out of cells by osmosis. This makes the brain cells shrink and may be irreversibly damaged.

Other effects of high alcohol consumption include;

• Cancer of the mouth, trachea and oesophagus.

• anemia.

• vision changes.

These dangers and effects show that alcohol causes great damage to the human body and so, alcohol consumers should try as much as possible to stop or reduce their alcohol intake.

Written by;
The Programming Farmer

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